Data Management Planning (DMP) Bootcamp


Event details

Date 15.11.2023
Hour 10:0012:00
Speaker Bibliothèque EPFL
Category Internal trainings
Event Language English
Embark on a journey of data management with our planning-focused bootcamp! No matter your experience with data and code management, this workshop is for you. With a special emphasis on Data Management Planning (DMP) and a brief introduction to the broader realm of Research Data Management (RDM), the bootcamp will help you understand what is needed in a DMP, comply with research funders (ex. SNSF or ERC), and will provide you with practical examples, templates, and more.

Participants will have the opportunity to:
  • Work: Dive deep into crafting your own DMP.
  • Consult: Ask our specialized trainers any questions regarding your data and code management.
  • Exchange: Share challenges and practices, engaging in insightful discussions with your peers.
Presence: This workshop will be held in presence only.
Level: While this bootcamp is designed to cater to individuals across all proficiency levels in Research Data Management (RDM), for those just stepping into the RDM world for the first time, we suggest checking out the following resources beforehand: Beyond DMP: For a more comprehensive and in-depth training about Research Data Management, we suggest you to register for the Optimizing your RDM training course.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • Bibliothèque EPFL


dmp data data management research data
