[ Eurostars 2 | Research funding ]


Event details

Date 12.09.2019
Category Call for proposal

The mission of Eurostars is the support of R&D-performing entrepreneurs, by initiating pan-european projects and co-funding their research activities, enabling them to compete interna-tionally and become leaders in their sector.

  • 13.09.2018
  • 28.02.2019
  • 12.09.2019

Duration: the duration of the project may not exceed 36 months.
Who can apply: To be eligible, the partnership must include at least two legal entities independent of each other. The partnership must include participation from at least two different Eurostars countries (i.e. a Eurostars Participating state or a Eurostars Partner country), where at least one of the countries must be an EUREKA member country. The participant budget (minus subcontracting costs) of the sole R&D-performing SME involved in the application must be equal to at least 50% of the total project budget. If there are multiple R&D-performing SMEs, their combined total participant budget (minus subcontracting costs) must equal at least 50% of the total project budget. In either case, the 50% budget threshold must be met by R&D-performing SME(s) located in Eurostars Participating state(s) or Partner Country(ies). The project must be spread across different international partners. No single entity or country may be responsible for more than 75% of the total project budget.
How: Partners should first contact their National Project Coordinators and subsequently, register and complete the online application form using the Eurostars submission platform.
Swiss partners: In Eurostars, Switzerland is represented by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). Funding by type of organization:
  • SME, University and Research organization: 50% of eligible costs
  • Large companies: 25% of eligible costs
For more information: More information are available the Eurostars website, SERI website, Eurostars Factsheet for Swiss partners and the ReO toolkit. In general, it is recommended that partners contact their National Project Coordinators before submitting an application.
Contact: [email protected] for administrative, financial, ethics and legal assistance.
Accessibility: General public
Admittance: Free

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

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