From adaptive oscillator to adaptive compliance: How to exploit/modify natural dynamics in robotic systems


Event details

Date 19.11.2014
Hour 17:1518:00
Speaker Mahdi Khoramshahi (EPFL)
GR A3 30
Category Conferences - Seminars
Geometry and Dynamics Seminar

Abstract: `Natural dynamic exploitation' is an interesting topic in robotics, especially in the locomotion. We start by talking about oscillators and frequency adaptation. Then, we will discuss the `natural dynamics' and how adaptive oscillators can be used to exploit these dynamics. We will see some simple simulations, and stability analysis for these tools.

In the second part of my presentation, we will discuss the dual case, i.e. `Natural dynamic modification'. We will talk about compliance (passivity) in robotic system, and advent of variable compliant system. The dual to `adaptive oscillator' would be the `adaptive compliance'. We will discuss the adaption law for the variable compliant systems in theory and simulation.

Practical information

  • Expert
  • Free


  • Sonja Hohloch

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