IC Research Day 2015: The Computational Universe


Event details

Date 30.06.2015
Hour 08:3016:30
Speaker Chair: Nisheeth Vishnoi
Category Conferences - Seminars
IC Research Day 2015: The Computational Universe

Theoretical computer science has largely evolved in an attempt to rigorously understand what computational models and resources can and cannot do. In a short span, it has matured significantly, has seen remarkable success on several of its foundational questions, and is one of the most vibrant disciplines. Moreover, these efforts are resulting in unexpected, but perhaps inevitable, payoffs: as it stands today with its models, tools and techniques, theory has also become a powerful lens to view nature and society. Several fundamental problems in biology, economics, physics and social sciences are inherently computational and can be, and are being, tackled by theory.

The focus of this research day would be to present its audience with a vista of this computational universe: from foundations to addressing outstanding problems in the sciences, and how to make it big in online ad markets!

Further information on ic.epfl.ch/researchday2015.


Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Invitation required

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