Imaging Lunch: Basics of Image Alignment


Event details

Date 11.09.2024
Hour 11:0013:00
Speaker Dr Edward Ando
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Our in-house expert Dr Edward Ando will give a talk on Basics of Image Alignment during our next imaging lunch. Open to all EPFL PhD students and Postdocs!

This lecture will focus on measuring (and correcting) movement between images. We'll present the different top-level methods, some important details, and illustrate some useful python packages to achieve your objectives. We'll hopefully cover 2D, 3D, and multimodal images as well as touching on stitching problems.

Registration required

About the Imaging Lunches: Once per month, the EPFL Center for Imaging organises an event dedicated to all PhD students and postdocs working with/in imaging. Discuss the latest advances in imaging. Connect with imaging peers. Learn about popular imaging tools!

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • EPFL Center for Imaging     

Event broadcasted in
