Imaging Lunches: Introduction Workshop on ImageJ/Fiji


Event details

Date 17.05.2023
Hour 10:0013:00
Speaker Daniel Sage
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Our in-house expert Dr. Daniel Sage will give an Introduction Workshop on ImageJ/Fiji during our next imaging lunch. Open to all EPFL PhD students and Postdocs! Dr. Sage will go over the basics of ImageJ/Fiji, show us how to get to grips with the tool, present some useful plugins, give a short introduction on how to write macros, and present an example of how to build a typical image-analysis pipeline with the program.

Registration required

About the Imaging Lunches: Once per month, the EPFL Center for Imaging organises an event dedicated to all PhD students and postdocs working with/in imaging. Discuss the latest advances in imaging. Connect with imaging peers. Learn about popular imaging tools!

More information on the EPFL Center for Imaging:

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required


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