Impact Collaboration programme | Research Funding


Event details

Date 02.02.2024
Category Conferences - Seminars

The Impact Collaboration Programme (ICP) is a unique funding instrument intended to spot, support and scale collaborations that contribute to strengthening science-informed policymaking and producing policy-relevant research and tools. The scheme facilitates opportunities for collaboration between Geneva-based international policy institutions and scientific institutions, in Switzerland and beyond.

What does the ICP offer?
• Maximum 60,000 CHF per project (seed funding, max project duration 18 months)
• Tailored support and advice to help maximise impact
• A learning framework to elicit knowledge and build capacity in science-policy collaboration

Who is eligible?
Collaboration projects with minimum 2 partners:
- one academic institution (no geographical limitation, main applicant on the academic side must hold a PhD and work as researcher or equivalent).
- one Intergovernmental organisation (IO) from International Geneva. Other institutions such as international NGOs, global networks, think tanks, platforms, funds, boundary organisations, diplomatic missions, etc, can also apply to the ICP provided their project directly involves an Intergovernmental Organisation.

- Submitted initiatives should explicitly address a science-policy gap around a global issue of relevance to the work of International Geneva actors.

Timeline of ICP 2024
• Project submission: opens on 8 November 2023 and closes on 2 February 2024 (23:59 CET)
• Project selection: Selected projects are announced at the start of April 2024
• Start of the project: An inception meeting with project partners is organised by Mid-May 2024 at the latest. The project activities should start within 6 months of the selection announcement.

How to apply?
- Submit your 1,700-word application through this platform.
For questions contact Mialy Rann, Science-Policy officer, at : [email protected]


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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