Inaugural Lecture - Prof. Beate Jessel


Event details

Date 15.11.2023
Hour 18:0019:15
Speaker Prof. Beate Jessel
Location Online
Category Inaugural lectures - Honorary Lecture
Event Language English
Date: 15 November 2023
Time: 18:00 – 19:15
Introductions by the Dean, lectures by Prof. Beate Jessel and Prof. Corentin Fivet. Followed by an Apero.
Place: SG 1
Zoom link 

Landscapes, green spaces and renewable energies – Views on transdisciplinarity

Tackling societal problems increasingly requires transdisciplinary approaches. Understandings and definitions of transdisciplinarity are quite different, but have in common that they are integrative research approaches that also involve non-scientific and especially societal actors, that research concerns are defined jointly and that scientific knowledge is linked with practical knowledge. The results are also not always reproducible in the classical sense, but can also be about establishing new governance structures and networks and accompanying them scientifically. Against this background, examples from landscape development, the establishment and management of near-natural green spaces in urban areas and the expansion of renewable energies will be used to present and question exemplary transdisciplinary approaches.

About the speaker
Beate Jessel joined EPFL in September 2021 when she was appointed to a professorship at EPFL at the same time as Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL). She studied landscape architecture and landscape ecology at the Technical University of Munich and previously held two professorships at the University of Potsdam (for landscape planning) and at the Technical University of Munich (for strategy and management of landscape development). From 2007 to 2021, she was President of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation in Bonn, Germany's highest nature conservation authority, which, in addition to a number of administrative tasks, is itself a departmental research institution and also awards substantial amounts of funding for applied research itself.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required


  • SAR - Gesualdo Casciana

Event broadcasted in
