Morita equivalence problems for blocks of finite groups


Event details

Date 05.09.2016 09.09.2016
Hour 08:0017:00
Speaker Organisers
Charles Eaton (University of Manchester)
Michael Livesey (University of Manchester)
Category Conferences - Seminars
The central theme of this workshop is the determination and description of the Morita equivalence classes of blocks of finite groups. Related to this are for example the study of derived equivalences, source algebras and the determination of other invariants of a block, as well as the study of algebras which arise as basic algebras for blocks.

Increasingly the classification of finite simple groups plays a major role, and recent advances in our understanding of the blocks of finite groups of Lie type are particularly important.

The core of the workshop will be five short lecture series on some of the main tools and problems, including blocks of finite groups of Lie type in non-defining characteristic, basic algebras and their computation, Galois conjugacy of blocks, source algebras, and determination of block invariants.

The lecture series will be given by:

Marc Cabanes, Université Paris Diderot
Jon Carlson, University of Georgia
Radha Kessar, City University London
Markus Linckelmann, City University London
Benjamin Sambale, TU Kaiserslautern

The lecture series will be supplemented by a programme of invited and contributed conference talks and a discussion session.

We have a limited number of spaces for other speakers at the workshop. If you are interested in giving a talk related to the theme of the workshop, then please contact Michael Livesey at [email protected].


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • CIB


  • Valérie Krier

Event broadcasted in
