Noon Talk #4: Publishing preprints


Event details

Date 22.08.2018
Hour 12:0013:00
Speaker Marc Robinson, professeur au Département d'écologie et d'évolution à l'UNIL
Alain Foehn, doctorant au Laboratoire des constructions hydrauliques à l'EPFL
Category Conferences - Seminars

After a short introduction by Béatrice Marselli, EPFL Library, Marc Robinson, professor at the Department of evolution and ecology at UNIL, will present the benefits from publishing preprints. Alain Foehn, PhD student at the Laboratory of hydraulic constructions at EPFL, will share his experience with submitting a paper to Elsevier.

Introduction slides by Béatrice Marselli
Marc Robinson presentation 
Alain Foehn presentation

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required


  • EPFL Library


publication scientifique open access infoscience

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