POB Seminar - Enhancement of linear and nonlinear thermo-optic effects by epsilon-near-zero conditions


Event details

Date 11.09.2024
Hour 18:15
Speaker Jiaye Wu
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

The EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) is very pleased to announce and cordially invite you to our monthly ‘Pizza-Optics-Beer’ (POB) seminar on September 11th, at 18:15 in room CO 120.

This month we will have the pleasure to host Jiaye Wu - doctoral assistant in Photonic Systems Laboratory with the presentation entitled:

"Enhancement of linear and nonlinear thermo-optic effects by epsilon-near-zero conditions"

For organizational purposes (if you want to eat pizza!), please confirm your participation using this Doodle.
Don’t hesitate to extend the invitation to any postdoc and colleague!

Hope to see you there,
The team of the EPFL Photonics Chapter

Nonlinear epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) nanodevices featuring vanishing permittivity and CMOS-compatibility are attractive solutions for large-scale-integrated systems-on-chips. Such confined systems with unavoidable heat generation impose critical challenges for semiconductor-based ENZ performances. While their optical properties are temperature-sensitive, there is no systematic analysis on such crucial dependence. Here, we experimentally report the linear and nonlinear thermo-optic ENZ effects in indium tin oxide. We characterize its temperature-dependent optical properties with ENZ frequencies covering the telecommunication O-band, C-band, and 2-μm-band. Depending on the ENZ frequency, it exhibits an unprecedented 70–93-THz-broadband 660–955% enhancement over the conventional thermo-optic effect. The ENZ-induced fast-varying large group velocity dispersion up to 0.03–0.18 fs2nm-1 and its temperature dependence are also observed for the first time. Remarkably, the thermo-optic nonlinearity demonstrates a 1113–2866% enhancement, on par with its reported ENZ-enhanced Kerr nonlinearity. Our work provides references for packaged ENZ-enabled photonic integrated circuit designs, as well as a new platform for nonlinear photonic applications and emulations.

You don't know POBs?
POBs (Pizza-Optics-Beer) are monthly seminars organized by the student association EPFL Photonics Chapter.
A PhD or a postdoc gives a 20-minutes presentation about his/her research in photonics. Discussions continue informally around pizza and beers!
The event is free and open to anyone.

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We thank the Doctoral Program in Photonics (EPDO), the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE.), Optica and SwissPhotonics for their support.