"The Belle Époque and the bloom of progress" document selection


Event details

Date 15.11.2022 13.12.2022
Hour 00:0123:59
Category Exhibitions
Event Language French, English
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The Belle Époque lasted from the end of the 18th century to the First World War. Naming this period “Beautiful Epoch”, evokes the nostalgia of a light-hearted era, where art and technological progress were flourishing. However, it also was a turbulent time with major delinquency, as the famous Dreyfus case, that shook the French society. Transportation, electricity, cinema … the whole society was transforming. Investigation methods were evolving: criminology finally took roots. Medicine and science also knew great breakthroughs. Poincaré, Marie Curie, or even Einstein: great names for a great period of time, that the Library gladly honors through this book selection.

This selection of documents is displayed in the Espace Découverte of the EPFL Library.

Don't hesitate to borrow the documents!

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • EPFL Library


sciences progrès architecture
