Smart Publishing


Event details

Date 05.12.2024
Hour 09:3011:30
Speaker EPFL Library
Location Online
Category Internal trainings
Event Language English
Publishing to make your research available to the scientific community is a rewarding step. Do you want to understand how it works and know some tips that will help at the submission stage?

In this workshop, which will be held on Zoom only, we will address the publication process in the current context:
• Become familiar with the context of scholarly communication and its latest developments
• Understand the important steps leading to publication, including peer-review
• Ensure your compliance towards EPFL and funders' Open Access policy
• Know and protect your rights as an author according to EPFL’s policy
• Get to understand what a publishing contract entails.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required
  • This event is internal


  • EPFL Library


academic publication publication peer-review publication process publishing

Event broadcasted in
