SNSF Ambizione 2024 Call Open


Event details

Date 01.11.2024
Category Call for proposal
  • The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) awards Ambizione grants to outstanding postdoctoral researchers who intend to pursue a scientific or an academic career at a Swiss research institution. The purpose of the Ambizione grant is to help researchers build their scientific profile and become scientifically self-reliant at an early stage with an independent research project. Ambizione grants are open to researchers from all disciplines.
  • Eligibility: 1-4 years after doctoral exam + min. 1 year of postdoctoral research; Professors in permanent or temporary employment, with or without tenure track, are not eligible.
  • Funding: max. CHF 400K for max. 4 years + applicant's salary.
How to get EPFL support? 

The SNSF requires a commitment letter from the host institution.
  • Identify a host professor who is ready to support and host you for the entire duration of the project;
  • Contact your host institute and school to inquire about their internal deadlines and requirements;
  • Submit a pre-application to the EPFL Research Office.
How to apply
  • Create an account now on mySNF.
  • The application form will be available on August 2.
Timeline of the call
  • Launch: 2 August 2024
  • Deadline: 1 November 2024 at 17:00 Swiss local time
  • Earliest start: 1 September 2025
  • Latest start: 1 September 2026
ReO Services For any questions please contact [email protected]

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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