SNSF - COST projects in Switzerland 2024


Event details

Date 23.10.2024
Category Call for proposal
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding programme that encourages networking of scientific and technological research activities throughout Europe and beyond. The aim is to facilitate breakthrough scientific developments leading to new concepts and products. COST does not fund research itself, but supports networking (COST Actions) via different tools such as meetings, short-term scientific exchanges, training schools and dissemination activities. A COST Action lasts for 4 years. The deadline to initiate a COST Action is 23 October 2024 at 12:00 noon (CET) (further info). COST Actions do not cover research funding, which has to be applied for to national funding agencies.

Swiss-based researchers, involved in ongoing COST Actions, can apply for research funding with the SNSF. Every year, the SNSF launches a call for COST projects in Switzerland. The call is open to any discipline. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged. Applications must be submitted via mySNF.

At the previous call in 2023, 19 projects were approved by the SNSF.

Who can apply: Swiss-based researchers who have gained at least one year of experience since obtaining their doctorate (or equivalent research experience) and are actively participating in a COST Action of the series COST CA201## and COST CA211## CA221##

Funding and duration: Max. CHF 400’000 for a 4-year project. Same eligible costs as SNSF Project Funding, except for equipment.

Duration: 36-48 months, depending on the duration of the COST Action

Pre-registration deadline: 08 March 2024 (not compulsory, but highly recommended).
Call deadline: 19 April 2024, 17:00 Swiss local time.
Earliest start: 01 January 2025
Latest start: within 6 months after the funding decision, in order to be aligned as well as possible with the associated COST Action.

SNSF Contact: Division Interco, Ladina Knapp, [email protected]  

For further information, please have a look at the call webpage and call document.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free

Event broadcasted in
