SNSF Postdoc.Mobility call ¦ Career funding


Event details

Date 02.08.2023
Category Call for proposal
Postdoc.Mobility fellowships provide support for a research stay abroad (24 months), for researchers who have done a doctorate and who wish to pursue a scientific or an academic career in Switzerland. NEXT APPLICATION DEADLINE. 02.08.2023 17:00 Swiss time
The fellowship covers:
  • subsistence costs,
  • flat-rate for travel expenses
  • contribution to research and conference costs.
In addition, fellowship holders can apply for a return grant (3-12 months) to finance their initial period of research after returning to Switzerland.
The return grant includes:
  • salary
  • social security contributions
- Eligibility window: application possible as early as 9 months before PhD defense, up to 3 years after PhD defense (net academic age)
- Nationality: call open to Swiss nationals and to holders of valid Swiss permanent residence, residence or cross-border commuter permit, married to a Swiss national or co-habiting with a Swiss national in a registered partnership. In addition, foreign nationals must have at least 2 years research activity at a Swiss research institution.
- !! Online application: mySNF account to be requested well ahead of the deadline-
- Start of funded projects: from beginning 2024

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



Research Funding

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