Space Summer Camps


Event details

Date 19.03.2015
Hour 12:0013:15
Speaker Lise-Loup Antoniadis, Swiss Space Center
Anton Ivanov, eSpace
Alumni participants of the Summer schools
Category Conferences - Seminars
You are a Space Enthusiast? You would like to know more about the Russian, Swiss or Chinese Space Programmes? You always dreamed to meet cosmonauts, astronauts or taikonauts and visit space facilities?
Then you should attend one of the three joint Space Summer camps available at the Swiss Space Center in cooperation with Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Russia and Beihang University, Beijing, China

This meeting will give you information about the programmes, the application process. You will also have the opportunity to discuss with alumni participants of those Summer schools!

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Swiss Space Center



Space Summer Camp Russia China
