Structure preserving numerical methods for partial differential equations


Event details

Date 03.07.2023 07.07.2023
Speaker Douglas Arnold (University of Minnesota) Annalisa Buffa (EPFL) Snorre Christiansen (University of Oslo) Ralf Hiptmair (ETH Zurich) Joachim Schöberl (TU Vienna)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

The workshop will bring together leading experts and junior researchers on structure-preserving numerical methods for partial differential equations. Topics of discussion will include:

  • discrete de Rham complexes over manifolds
  • rigorous a priori and a posteriori error analysis
  • conservation laws in time
  • applications in electromagnetism, elasticity, and relativity
Keynote Speakers Organizers Please contact the organizers via email if you want to participate.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required

