The Forum for the New Millennium on Innovation in Business and Energy


Event details

Date 09.04.2015 10.04.2015
Category Conferences - Seminars
The Forum builds on ten years of our experience in conducting a series of colloquia for an international community of concerned individuals representing different walks of life (people from science, engineering, business, government, the arts, the military, academia, and the non-profit world), both senior and junior levels.  Diversity is a key to inspiring innovation. The qualifications for participation are: a willingness to learn, a willingness to participate in discussion, and a willingness to listen to others. The specific features of the Forum:

To Inform:  meetings of the Forum present informative briefings and provide an archive of informative documents and reports to expand your knowledge of the energy domain.

To Provoke:  meetings of the Forum actively engage you to experiment with thinking in new ways about the energy domain, including the energy choices you make, and to inspire innovation.

To Socialize: meetings of the Forum place you in a community of people who harbor an interest to learn and to improve the world. Members of the Forum become resources for each other.  Meetings are restricted to 40 to 80 participants so that individuals through their social interactions can learn from each other.

Each meeting of the Forum includes informative briefings, provocative thought exercises that are conducted in small teams, and a New Venture Idea Gym that features the pitches of a variety of new ventures in the energy field.  Each year we schedule two to four Forum meetings in such interesting places as Lausanne, Sao Paulo, Istanbul, Cape Town, and Maine.  Forum meetings are collegial, fun, and mind expanding.

We archive the proceedings of all meetings on a secure website so that each member may have access to all resources that the Forum produces. 


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • Chris Tucci & David Gautschi


Event broadcasted in
