Trends in Miniaturized Resonators


Event details

Date 25.03.2015
Hour 08:3017:00
Speaker A wide range of experts from EPFL and FEMTO-ST
Speakers: Christian Enz, EPFL
Christophe Gorecki, FEMTO-STI
Mickael Geiselman, EPFL
Yanne Chembo, FEMTO-STI
Paul Muralt, EPFL
Sylvan Ballandras, Frec[n]sys
Guillermo Villaneuva, EPFL
Rodolphe Boudot, FEMTO-STI
Andras Kis, EPFL
Category Conferences - Seminars
This is a SMYLE (SMart sYstems for a better LifE) workshop.

8:30 Coffee

9:00-9:05 Welcome : Christian Enz, EPFL

9:05-9:15 Introduction : Christophe Gorecki, FEMTO-ST

9:15 –9:45 The Science of Optical Microresonators: Chipscale Optical Frequency Combs
Mickael Geiselman, Laboratoire de photonique et mesures quantiques, EPFL

9:45 –10:15 Kerr optical frequency combs: a technological swiss knife
Yanne Chembo, Département d'optique, FEMTO-ST

10:15 Coffee break

10:35 –11:05 Composite thin film bulk acoustic wave resonators for oscillators in the GHz range
Paul Muralt, Laboratoire de céramique, EPFL

11:05 –11:35 Advanced SAW resonators for modern telecommunication challenges
Sylvain Ballandras, Frec[n]sys

11:35 –12:05 NEMS oscillators, main challenges and work-arounds – does it really make sense?
Guillermo Villanueva, Advanced NEMS Group, EPFL

12:05 Lunch

13:45 –14:15 Miniature cesium vapor cell atomic clocks
Rodolphe Boudot, Département Temps-Fréquence, FEMTO-ST

14:15 –14:45 MoS2 and dichalcogenide-based devices and hybrid heterostructures
Andras Kis, Laboratoire d'électronique et structures à l'échelle nanométrique, EPFL

14:45 Coffee break

15:15 –16:45 Round table : Christian Enz, Moderator EPFL

What are the keys technologies for tomorrow advanced resonators?
1/ on the industrial perspective
2/ on the research perspective

16:45 –17:00 Conclusion of Seminar

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free




  • Christian Enz

Event broadcasted in
