Workshop on technical interoperability between ORD services and repositories in the ETH Domain


Event details

Date 29.06.2023
Hour 10:1516:00
Speaker Various speakers
University of Bern / Unitobler, Lerchenweg 36, Room F 023
Category Conferences - Seminars
The Workshop is open to participants affiliated with the ETH Domain interested in this topic.

The Expert Group Services and Infrastructure (EG-SI) of the ETH ORD Program invites you to a full-day workshop on technical interoperability between ORD services and repositories in the ETH Domain. The workshop will take place on Thursday, June 29, at the University of Bern (Unitobler F 023, Lerchenweg 36, Bern) and it is open to participants affiliated with the ETH Domain interested in this topic (service providers, RDM support staff, interested researchers and others).
Please note that your active participation is desired and specifically encouraged! As part of the registration process, we offer you the opportunity to suggest your own interoperability idea, that you will be able to briefly pitch to the audience as part of this workshop.

Registration deadline: Monday, June 26th : REGISTER


We are looking forward to an exciting and productive day of discussions and hope to see many of you in Bern!

More information ==> HERE.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • The Expert Group Services and Infrastructure (EG-SI) of the ETH ORD Program


  • The Expert Group Services and Infrastructure (EG-SI) of the ETH ORD Program
