Imaging Seminar: Meta Devices for Photonics and Quantum
Start date: 17.06.2025 17:00 › 18:00
Speaker: Prof. Din Ping Tsai, University of Hong Kong Location: SV 1717 Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: General public
Naviguer dans des organisations complexes
Start date: 17.06.2025 › End date: 24.06.2025 09:00 › 17:00
Speaker: Alexandre Krstic Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Start date: 18.06.2025 › End date: 20.06.2025 09:00 › 17:30
Speaker: Melissa Davies and Stéphanie Ruder Schoof Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Training "Up to Speed with Zotero"
Start date: 19.06.2025 09:30 › 11:30
Speaker: EPFL Library Teaching Team Location: Online Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
WordPress EPFL
Start date: 19.06.2025 › End date: 20.06.2025 08:30 › 12:00
Speaker: Hicham Dennaoui Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Administrative Management of European Project
Start date: 24.06.2025 09:00 › 12:30
Speaker: Pierre-Yves Fonjallaz Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Brain Mind Institute Symposium: Neuromics approches in development and diseases
Start date: 24.06.2025 › End date: 25.06.2025 08:00 › 17:00
Speaker: See web page Location: SV 1717 Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
Module d'approfondissement finances
Start date: 25.06.2025 08:15 › 12:00
Speaker: Thierry Rossier Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Start date: 26.06.2025 12:00 › 13:00
Speaker: Misun Jung - Lingner Lab; Justine Gillard, Goemans Lab; Jillian Love, Karthaus Lab Location: SV 1717 Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
Master Projects
Start date: 09.07.2025 › End date: 01.08.2025
Category: Miscellaneous Target audience: General public