Gestion des achats à l'EPFL - Procédures marchés publics
Start date: 30.01.2025 14:00 › 16:00
Speaker: Binôme d'acheteurs du Service Achats Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Saturday Guided Tour — Shapes
Start date: 01.02.2025 › End date: 10.11.2025 11:15 › 12:15
Location: EPFL Pavilions, Pavilion B Category: Exhibitions Target audience: General public
Networking to enhance your job search
Start date: 04.02.2025 09:30 › 17:00
Speaker: Aurélie Secretan Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Python Fundamentals
Start date: 04.02.2025 › End date: 06.02.2025 08:30 › 17:00
Speaker: Jean-Philippe Forestier Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
FOBA - Formation de base en administration
Start date: 04.02.2025 › End date: 11.02.2025 08:30 › 12:00
Speaker: EPFL Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Information session - CAS in Circular Value Networks
Start date: 06.02.2025 18:00 › 18:30
Speaker: - Elaine Moran, SRVC Executive Director Location: Online Category: Miscellaneous Target audience: General public
Développer des compétences en Leadership
Start date: 06.02.2025 › End date: 13.02.2025 09:00 › 17:00
Speaker: Anne-Marie Turcotte Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
WordPress EPFL
Start date: 10.02.2025 › End date: 11.02.2025 08:30 › 12:00
Speaker: Hicham Dennaoui Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Faces of Industrial Research 2025
Start date: 11.02.2025 08:00 › 18:00
Location: RLC E1 240 Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: General public
Webinar "Discover the ETH Domain’s Data Management Campus Project for Open Research Data"
Start date: 11.02.2025 14:30 › 15:00
Speaker: Francesco Varrato Location: Online Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: General public