Start date: 03.04.2025 12:00 › 13:00
Speaker: Agathe Bredel - Paoli Lab; Lucas Fusar Bassani, La Manno Lab; Joachim Javary, Radtke Lab Location: SV 1717 Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
Start date: 04.04.2025 15:15 › 16:15
Speaker: Judith Rousseau, University of Oxford Location: CM 1 517 Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
Saturday Guided Tour — Shapes
Start date: 05.04.2025 › End date: 12.01.2026 11:15 › 12:15
Location: EPFL Pavilions, Pavilion B Category: Exhibitions Target audience: General public
Training "Smart Publishing"
Start date: 07.04.2025 10:00 › 12:00
Speaker: EPFL Library Teaching Team Location: Online Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Training "Ethics in Data Management: Anonymization and Sustainability Practices"
Start date: 10.04.2025 15:00 › 16:30
Speaker: EPFL Library Research Data Location: Online Category: Internal trainings Target audience: General public
Startup Champions Seed Night 2025
Start date: 10.04.2025 17:30 › 20:30
Location: RLC E1 240 Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: General public
Start date: 11.04.2025 15:15 › 16:15
Speaker: Cecilia Balocchi, University of Edinburgh Location: CM 1 517 Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
DÆNCITY: Artistic residency for EPFL Students at Théâtre Sévelin 36
Start date: 22.04.2025 › End date: 25.04.2025
Speaker: Simona Ferrar, Performance Lighthouse, EPFL Location: Théâtre Sévelin 36 Category: Cultural events Target audience: General public
Lemanic Life Sciences Hackathon 2025
Start date: 23.04.2025 › End date: 25.04.2025 09:00 › 18:00
Location: SV 1204 Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
Training "Research Visibility: Impact beyond citation"
Start date: 29.04.2025 09:30 › 11:30