2023 Call for Opportunity Grants with East and Southeast Asia


Event details

Date 15.05.2023
Category Call for proposal

The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) mandated the ETH Zurich as Leading House for bilateral collaboration with partner institutions in East and Southeast Asia. In 2023, the Leading House Asia ETH Zurich opened a call for proposals for opportunity grants with China, Japan, South Korea and the ASEAN member states, incl. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Who can apply :

  • The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research, including social sciences and the humanities.
  • Postdoctoral scientists, senior scientists and professors of Swiss federal and cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education, as well as public research institutes, are eligible to apply. 
  • Please check the eligible institutions here.
  • The main applicant must be employed at one of the aforementioned Swiss institutions.
  • Researchers of all nationalities are eligible to apply as main applicant.
If in doubt or in case you are not sure whether your position is eligible to act as a Principle Investigator (PI), please email Patricia Heuberger or Elise Nardin.
Grant sum: up to 50,000
Project duration: up to 12 months

For what
  • Support to bottom-​up initiatives of Swiss researchers linked to specific events or incidents in the partner countries (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, incl. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan).
  • Examples of events: large public happenings (such as the Olympic Games, international or national expositions/biennales), major environmental events (such as the implications of a typhoon, earthquake or tsunami), major economic and political developments (such as the geopolitical implications of a presidential visit or a shift of power in a government), launch of a new public policy (such as new impactful agriculture or migration policies).
  • Examples of activities: organisation of thematic events for a broader audience or application of a Swiss technology or research results
  • Objective: increase the visibility of Swiss science and technology abroad or apply its results to a concrete development or challenge.
  • The call is open to all disciplines.
Eligible costs: travel, accommodation costs, project consumables and equipment, logistics. Does NOT cover research projects, salaries or scientific exchanges.

Call Timeline
Application deadline : 15 May 2023
  • Decision :  July 2023
  • Earliest project start : 01 August 2023
For more information and application, please have a look at the call website, the call guidelines, research plan template and online application form.
For further information please contact the Research Office

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free

