AI Horizons: Safety and Innovation in the era of the Swiss AI Initiative


Event details

Date 11.03.2024
Hour 18:0020:00
Speaker Prof. Carmela Troncoso, Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk, Václav Volhejn, Konrad Seifert
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

This round table discussion aims to bring together leading voices in AI research to discuss the future of AI, with a particular focus on how to conjugate safety and innovation.

​Given the defining moment we are in regarding the Swiss AI strategy, we believe this event is a timely opportunity to foster a dialogue among main AI research stakeholders about their vision and the path forward.

Monday, March 11

  • ​18h00: Beginning of the panel discussion
  • ​19h15: Apéro with hot chocolates from Chocopoly
  • Carmela Troncoso, Associate Professor at EPFL, Security and Privacy Engineering Laboratory, Swiss AI Initiative: research lead in LLM security, red teaming & privacy
  • Sabine Süsstrunk, Full Professor at EPFL, Image and Visual Representation Laboratory, President of the Swiss Science Council
  • Václav Volhejn, Senior ML Scientist at Lakera, Co-creator of Polylog
  • Konrad Seifert, Co-CEO at Simon Institute for Longterm Governance
Location: EPFL, Auditorium CO3
Registration is mandatory ! Register
Organized by:
​Safe AI Lausanne, an EPFL student association and commission of EA Lausanne.
Check out our website or join our Telegram if AI safety interests you!
A huge thanks to Chocopoly for their hot chocolates; check them out too!