Call for Abstracts: Hybrid Mind Conference, Geneva, 17-18 October 2024


Event details

Date 17.10.2024 18.10.2024
Speaker Marcello Ienca, Georg Starke
Category Call for proposal
Event Language English

The integration of intelligent neurotechnology into the human brain creates pressing ethical, legal and social challenges. Devices that detect, interpret and translate neural signals and provide direct stimulation to the brain afford a novel form of human-machine interaction. We call the result of the interaction and functional integration of brain, mind, hardware and software the hybrid mind.
At the final conference of the international Hybrid Minds project, we bring together leading experts on ethical and legal aspects of (intelligent) neurotechnology from academia, industry, regulatory bodies and international organizations. In addition to invited participants, we welcome applications from scholars working in this field for oral or poster presentations. Questions that the conference will address include the following:

  • Which specific ethical problems are caused by intelligent neurotechnology?
  • How are, can and should intelligent neurotechnologies be regulated? 
  • What can recent frameworks of neurorights play to shape future neurotechnology?
  • In addition to neurorights, which other legal and regulatory aspects are touched by intelligent neurotechnology and require attention (tort law, criminal law, GDPR, EU AI Act and other AI regulatory frameworks)?
  • How can and should users and other stakeholders be involved in the development of neurotechnology?

Abstracts of no more than 300 words can be submitted until June 30, 2024 to [email protected].
We will provide applicants with a decision on acceptance by July 15, 2024.