Course for female scientists organized by the program "Fix the Leaky Pipeline!"


Event details

Date 02.12.2014
Hour 09:0017:00
Speaker Dr. Pamela Alean-Kirkpatrick
Category Miscellaneous
"Developing a Comprehensive Skills’ Profile" by Dr. Pamela Alean-Kirkpatrick

Increase awareness of skills developed in an academic context as a researcher – Development of a personal skills profile: identifying strengths, detecting gaps and drawing up a personal development plan - Skills-portfolio: documentation and communication of skills for increasing self-awareness and for job applications (academic/non-academic).


For EPFL members, the courses of the program that take place at EPFL are covered by the Staff Training Center of EPFL. Courses given at EPFL will be given in priority to EPFL members. For other ETH-Domain members, the EPFL courses will cost 100 CHF/day.

Participants  number limited to: 20-25

The Fix the Leaky Pipeline program offers young female scientists (PhD students, PhDs and others) the opportunity to reflect on their professional situations, develop a strategy for embarking or continuing on their career paths, receive targeted further training, and extend their personal and scientific networks. The aim, actively supported by all institutions of the ETH Domain, is to support women in their scientific careers and in the process to fix the 'leaky pipeline' of women in science.

Fix the Leaky Pipeline