Dissecting the status of public health in developing countries with focus on India


Event details

Date 30.03.2015
Hour 18:0019:30
CM 1 120
Category Miscellaneous
Public health includes several aspects that focus on the health of communities as opposed to individuals or groups, and includes prevention as well as treatment. But Asia’s third largest economy, India, spends barely 1% of its GDP on public healthcare as opposed to 3% in China and 8.3% in the US. But is that even a problem when the government fails to spend the allocated budget? What does it entail in terms of ‘burden of diseases’ on the poor ? How has India progressed on the key public health indicators?  We want to tackle these questions in our upcoming Ideabox session.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • YUVA Indians



Public Healthcare
