Engineering Heme Enzymes to Navigate New-to-Nature Reaction Space


Event details

Date 07.12.2023
Hour 14:0015:00
Speaker Dr. Runze Mao, California Institute of Technology, United States
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

DNA-programmable chemical synthesis using enzymes holds great potential to advance conventional synthetic processes, especially in sustainability, efficiency, and selectivity. Despite its promise, enzyme catalysis is currently hampered by a limited catalytic repertoire. To address this, we have leveraged directed evolution to engineer heme enzymes that push the boundaries of nature’s synthetic capabilities. These research endeavors have unlocked previously unknown chemical space of enzyme catalysis and overcome synthetic challenges where existing biological and synthetic methods falter. Moreover, combined experiments and computational studies, including DFT calculations and MD simulations, have deepened our understanding of these heme enzymes' novel functions.