EPC Photo Contest 2024 - Wild Light -


Event details

Date 27.08.2024 15.09.2024
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Dear EPFL community, 

As we are slowly approaching towards the end of the summer,  we take a great pleasure to announce and invite you to participate in our photo contest! This year’s theme is “Wild Light”.
The top photo will be selected based on public votes and the winner will be warded with a voucher worth 100 CHF. The idea is simple: upload your photo (maximum 2 photos per person, add name, and title of the photo) related to the theme to the google folder starting from now to no later than  Sunday, 15th of September, 11:59 p.m. Feel free to interpret the topic as broadly and creatively as you want! The photos will be voted by the public. AI generated images will not be considered. The winner will be announced during the EPC special event that will be communicated in the following days. Further information concerning the rules and the awards can be found here. Please note that by participating in this contest you agree to the terms and conditions of the event.
Please feel free to extend the invitation to your colleagues or anyone who might be interested!
We look forward to seeing your creative outtake and participation to the seminar!
EPFL Photonics Chapter team


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Elif Nur Dayi, Iwona Swiderska, Yesim Koyaz, Mischa Flor, Buse Unlu
