Free Screening: Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai


Event details

Date 02.10.2019
Hour 19:0022:00
Category Cultural events

PolyJapan, the commission that promotes Japanese culture on campus, is back to share new anime with you thoughout the semester ! We will begin this Wednesday 2nd of October 2019 at 19:00 in the CO3 auditorium, with the movie "Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai". Our usual food stand will also be there to offer Japanese food and drinks. Through a name as intriguing as it is strange, "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" presents a story of an encounter between two people that could not be more different.

In April, when the first cherry blossoms begin to bloom, a young bookworm detached from reality discovers a diary in the lobby of a hospital, titled "Living with Dying". Intruigued by it, he flips through the diary until its owner arrives. She turns out to be his classmate, the popular extraverted Sakura Yamauchi. She then decides to reveal her greatest secret on the condition that he does not break it: She has severe pancreatic cancer, and she has only a few years to live. The young man decides to be pitiless towards her condition at first, but eventually agrees to yield to her request and accompany her in the days to come.

It is through this risky link that their diverging destinies will slowly become entangled. Sakura's apparent nonchalance and unpredictability will disrupt the quiet and peaceful lifestyle of the protagonist, causing him to open his heart and rediscover the true meaning of life.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


Polyjapan anime japon
