Creativity in the digital age - EPFL and RTS to host radio series for the public


Event details

Date 23.11.2019
Hour 17:0018:00
Speaker Marc Atallah - Maître d’enseignement et de recherche en lettres à l’UNIL, directeur de la Maison d’Ailleurs
Florian Colombo - Doctorant au laboratoire de calcul neuromimétique de l’EPFL, co-créateur d’une intelligence artificielle de composition musicale
Kirell Benzi - Data artiste
Giulia Bini – Assistante curatoriale et production à l’ArtLab
Category Conferences - Seminars

A series of four weekly radio shows will be recorded live by Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) at EPFL’s ArtLab in November. EPFL professors and external experts will debate key issues at the intersection of digitization and society, and members of the public are invited to attend. Topics will range from artificial intelligence, privacy and law, to art, culture and history.
All discussion will be in French.
> Listen the podcast
> Watch the video on Youtube

    Saturday 23 November, from 5pm to 6pm

    What can digital tools bring to creativity, and does it still make sense to differentiate between digital and contemporary art?

    Marc Atallah: Lecturer in the EPFL CDH Social and Human Sciences program
    Florian Colombo: Doctoral student in the EPFL Computational Neuroscience Lab
    Kirell Benzi: Data artist
    Giulia Bini: Curatorial and production assistant at ArtLab

    Anne Laure Gannac, Journalist RTS

    A small concert of electronic music with the Lausanne-based group CURL and an aperitif will close this latest programme in the "Au temps du numérique" series.
The other shows:

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • Collège des Humanités de l'EPFL, Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS), EPFL ArtLab


  • Virginie Martin Nunez
