MT180: Public Selections - 3rd series

Event details
Date | 07.02.2024 |
Hour | 12:10 › 13:15 |
Speaker | PhD Students / doctorantes et doctorants |
Location | |
Category | Public Science Events |
Event Language | French, English |
Some fourty EPFL Students registered to take part in the 8th Edition of the Competition My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT180).
For each participant, the goal is to present his or her research in simple, straightforward terms in 3 minutes before an audience. This is thus an exercise in popularizing the thesis and explaining it, in French or English, in a clear, concise and compelling manner – all with the support of a single slide !
The selections are open to the public and take place on Wednesday 24 January, Friday 2 February and Wednesday 7 February 2024. Unlike the final, the selections are not recorded for the public. Colleagues, friends, families, thesis directors, come to listen to them and encourage them!
- Doors open to public at 12:00
- Selections begin at 12:15
- The public who arrives late must wait outside until we open the doors inbetween presentations. It is FORBIDEEN to enter the room without authorization.
Running Order - Selections 7 February 2024
- Luc Bondaz, « An holistic approach for incorporating pores in single-layer graphene for gas separation application » (Prof. Kumar Varoon Agrawal), English
- Constantin Krüger, « Electron Diffraction of Supercooled Water » (Prof. Ulrich J. Lorenz), English
- Dorsan Lepour, « Mutualization of investments for energy solutions and services in urban districts » (Prof. François Maréchal), Français
- Roberto Boghetti, « Towards quasi real-time simulations of district heating networks for an optimal sustainable design and control » (Prof. Jean-Marc Odobez, Dr. Jérôme Kämpf), English
- Vasileios Chanis, « In Quest of Lost Meaning: Vernacular Architecture and the Environmental Awakening, 1945-1972 » (Prof. Nicola Braghieri), English
- Arthur Verdeyme, « Community detection and link prediction in networks » (Prof. Sofia Olhede), Français
- Maria Sivers, « The Reuse Viability Index (RVI): Classification, Assessment and Prediction of the Sustainable Reuse of Building Components» (Prof. Corentin Fivet and Prof. Martin Fröhlich), English
- Sahar Rezapour, « Role of complex airfoil kinematics on dynamic stall » (Prof. Karen Mulleners), English
- Cristobal Garcia, « Optics design for the Future Circular Collider ee » (Prof. Mike Seidel and Dr Rogelio Tomas), English
- Notash Shafiei, « Study the ultrastructure of postmortem human brain of Dementia with Lewy body » (Prof. Henning Stahlberg), English
- Mahdi Hijazi, « From Sequence to Dynamics to Function: Rational Design of Allostery in G-Protein Coupled Receptors » (Prof. Patrick Barth), English
Practical information
- General public
- Free
- Service de promotion des sciences / Science Outreach Departement