Open Access Week 2023


Event details

Date 23.10.2023 29.10.2023
Speaker Guillaume Anciaux; Dimitri Van de Ville;
EPFL Library Publishing Support Team
EPFL Campus
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

 From 23 to 29 October, the EPFL Library is celebrating the International Open Access Week by organizing a variety of daily activities online and on campus. Open Access talks, online quiz, game on booth, monOApoly session and even a MOOE*! Don’t wait to register!


Open Access Quiz
Test your knowledge about Open Access and try to win prizes! Take part in the very first Open Access Quiz organized on EPFL campus by the Library. Awards: 3 x 100.- CHF voucher valid at Payot bookshop and Nature&Découvertes.
I try my luck!
  Let’s talk about Open Access
Stop by the Library’s booth at the EPFL campus Esplanade. Join the Library's Publishing Support team to kick off Open Access Week and its program of events and ask all your questions about Open Access and publishing. Get some goodies with the Open Access Wheel game!
  Open Access Talks
Join us after lunch for two enlightening talks about Open Access. Two EPFL researchers will share their experience and insights regarding Open Access.

12:45pm : Welcome coffee and cakes

1pm : First talk by Guillaume Anciaux - “What about Diamond Open Access?”

Diamond Open Access is a scholarly publishing model characterized by journals and platforms that do not impose fees nor on authors neither on readers. These journals typically operate as community-driven, academically-led, and academically-owned initiatives. While this approach does not eliminate publishing costs entirely, it places a strong emphasis on achieving fairness (FAIR principles). Several frameworks are available to facilitate this approach, where the minimum is to manage content storage and visibility. An alternative strategy to reduce the workload for editors of such journals is the adoption of an Overlay journal approach, which curates and selects content from freely accessible online repositories, such as preprints. In this setup, editorial boards supervise the peer review process to ensure high-quality content and rely on institutional storage repositories like ArXiv, HAL, and Zenodo for data retention. To illustrate the advantages and challenges of this model compared to traditional scientific journal approaches, we will use the Journal of Theoretical Computation and Applied Mechanics (JTCAM) as an example. JTCAM's commitment to open reviews, meticulous copy-editing, and its innovative approach to reviewing datasets will be discussed in detail.

1:30pm: Second talk by Talk by Dimitri Van de Ville - “The Story of NeuroImage: Downfall and Revival”

In April 2023, Elsevier, one of the world’s largest scientific publishers, witnessed the mass resignation of all editors from its flagship journals NeuroImage and NeuroImage:Reports, following a profound disagreement with the high open-access publication fees. A month later, the editors launched a new journal, Imaging Neuroscience, with non-profit publisher MIT Press, intended to replace NeuroImage as the field’s leading journal. The exodus had major reverberations in the community, was largely covered by the press, and profoundly impacted the course of NeuroImage. The revival as Imaging Neuroscience was established in record time. The journal was officially launched at the Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping in July 2023. It receives enthusiastic support from the community in terms of number of submissions and reviewer commitments. I will highlight some ins and outs of this intriguing saga, which has been hailed by The Chronicle of Higher Education as a “high-profile move ... in the long-unfolding battle over who pays and who benefits in the academic-publishing world.”
  • Wednesday, Oct. 25 | 12pm-1:30pm | Esplanade
Let’s talk about Open Access
Stop by the Library’s booth at the EPFL campus Esplanade. Join the Library's Publishing Support team to ask all your questions about Open Access and publishing. Get some goodies with the Open Access Wheel game!
  Let’s play monOApoly (cancelled)
monOApoly is a board game which aims to engage researchers with the main concepts of Open Access publishing. Librarians are pleased to invite you to a gaming session. This gaming session is open to everyone interested in Open Access, especially PhD students and Postdocs.
Free sandwiches and drinks for participants!
  *MOOE “Open Access - Where do we go from here?” A massive online opinion event
Several Swiss institutions, including EPFL, invite you for a collaborative and engaging event as part of the Open Access Week! The week will close with a Massive Online Opinion Event (MOOE) that's easy to join and seeks quick, honest insights from researchers on Open Access. No lengthy presentations, just straightforward discussions. Let's bridge the gap between researchers, librarians and policymakers as we dive into the questions surrounding OA. Don't miss this opportunity to tell us what is your vision for the future of Open Access!

Don't hesitate to subscribe to the Library social media @EPFLlibrary and follow the hashtag #OAWEEKCH23 to make sure you don't miss anything this week!

Do not hesitate to contact the Library Publish Support team at [email protected] !

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  • EPFL Library


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