Optimizing your RDM (Research Data Management)


Event details

Date 22.11.2023
Hour 09:0016:00
Speaker EPFL Library
Category Internal trainings
Event Language English
Research Data Management (RDM) refers to the way research data and code are managed during an entire research project. Most funders now require researchers to provide information on how they manage their data, through the submission of a Data Management Plan (DMP) along with the grant application. In addition, knowing how to manage and organize your research data becomes a fundamental requirement to guarantee the quality, durability and reproducibility of your data over time, as a scientific output beyond the grant.

This introductory course, which will be held in presence only, will provide you with the knowledge and resources needed to optimize the organization and improve the long-term reusability of your research data, in alignment with the international Open Science and Open Research Data (ORD) landscape.


Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required
  • This event is internal


  • EPFL Library


dmp data data management research data
