PeaceTech Hackathon - March 9-10, 2024


Event details

Date 09.03.2024 10.03.2024
Hour 09:0018:00
Category Public Science Events
Event Language English
A unique hackathon addressing global challenges for peace
  • Transform the World with Your Ideas: This hackathon isn't just for EPFL students; it's a call to thinkers and makers from all disciplines and backgrounds. Whether you're from the natural sciences and technology, the social and political sciences, or anywhere in between, your unique perspective is crucial in crafting groundbreaking proposals to prevent violence and foster peace. Dive into a 48-hour event where your creativity becomes the catalyst for peace!
  • Collaborate Across Disciplines: Imagine a place where engineers mingle with sociologists, where professors brainstorm with diplomats. Here, multidisciplinary teams bridge the gap between theory and action, guided by challenges set by frontline organizations.
  • Grow, Network, Innovate: Beyond a competition, this is about cooperation, a rare chance to expand your skillset, meet leaders, and make meaningful connections. Whether you're coding the next app for conflict resolution or designing a campaign for social change, you're in the right place to make a difference.
  • Make Your Mark: Join us. Together, let's build a more peaceful and secure world through innovation. Your journey from idea to impact starts here.  
You can register by clicking on the following link:

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • EPFL EssentialTech Centre & Open Geneva


Hackathon PeaceTech EssentialTech
