QSE Quantum Seminar: Benchmarking, simulating and correcting errors in quantum computers with open-source tools


Event details

Date 07.03.2024
Hour 12:0013:30
Speaker Nathan Shammah, Unitary Fund
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Please join us for the QSE Center Quantum Seminar with Dr Nathan Shammah from the Unitary Fund, who will speak Thursday March 7 on "Benchmarking, simulating and correcting errors in quantum computers with open-source tools". 
Location: CE 1 104

Pizzas will be available before the seminar at 12:00. All PhDs, postdocs, students, and PIs are welcome to join us.

TITLE: Benchmarking, simulating and correcting errors in quantum computers with open-source tools

Unitary Fund is a non-profit organization performing in-house research in quantum technology and supporting the quantum open-source ecosystem [1,2]. I will give an overview of recent research results in quantum error mitigation and error correction [3,4], classical simulation [5], and benchmarking of quantum computers [6,7]. This talk will give a brief overview of related open-source activities, highlighting how new kinds of research-focused organizations can advance open innovation.

[1] R. LaRose, et al., Mitiq: A software package for error mitigation on noisy quantum computers,Quantum 6, 774 (2022)
[2] N. Shammah, et al., Open Hardware Solutions in Quantum Technology, [2309.17233] Accepted in APL Quantum
[3] V. Russo, A. Mari, N. Shammah, R. LaRose, and W. J. Zeng, Testing platform-independent quantum error mitigation on noisy quantum computers, IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering 4, (2022), [2210.07194]
[4] M. A. Wahl, A. Mari, N. Shammah, W. J. Zeng, G. S. Ravi, Zero noise extrapolation on logical qubits by scaling the error correction code distance, arxiv, (2023), [2304.14985]
[5] Daniel Strano, et al., Exact and approximate simulation of large quantum circuits on a single GPU, [2304.14969]
[6] https://www.metriq.info/
[7] A. Mari, Counting collisions in random circuit sampling for benchmarking quantum computers, arXiv (2023) [2312.04222]

BIO: Nathan Shammah is the Chief Technology Officer of Unitary Fund and Managing Director of Unitary Fund France. Previously to join Unitary Fund, Nathan was a postdoctoral research scientist at RIKEN, Japan, and he serves as vice-president for the Association of Italian Researchers in Japan. He holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Southampton, UK.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • QSE Center


QSE Quantum Seminar
