QSE Quantum/Condensed Matter Seminar: Complexity beyond entanglement - magic of strongly interacting quantum matter


Event details

Date 20.09.2024
Hour 12:0013:30
Speaker Dr Marcello Dalmonte
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Please join us for the QSE Center Quantum Seminar/Condensed Matter Seminar with Marcello Dalmonte from Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), who will give the talk "Complexity beyond entanglement - magic of strongly interacting quantum matter" on Friday September 20.
Location: MA A1 10

Pizzas will be available before the seminar at 12:00. All PhDs, postdocs, students, and PIs are welcome to join us.

TITLE: Complexity beyond entanglement - magic of strongly interacting quantum matter

ABSTRACT: Quantum resources have entered the many body stage over the last two decades. It is by now widely appreciated that entanglement plays a key role in characterizing physical phenomena, as diverse as topological order and critical behaviour. However, entanglement alone is not informative about state complexity, and in fact, it is only one side of the medal. In this talk, I will flip the coin and tackle quantum state complexity of many-body systems under the lense of non-stabilizerness - also known as magic. Magic quantifies the difficulty of realizing states in most error corrected codes, and is thus of fundamental practical importance. However, very little is known about its significance to many-body phenomena.

I will present method(s) to measure magic in tensor network simulations, and illustrate a series of applications to many body systems, including: (a) how state magic and long-range magic behave in conformal field theories - illustrating the limit of the former, and the capabilities of the latter; (b) how magic characterizes phases of lattice gauge theories, both in the context of spin liquids/error correction (toric code), and in the context of theories describing coupling between matter and light (Schwinger model); and (c) how our computational tools are presently more advanced than the largest scale experimental demonstration of magic in Rydberg atom quantum simulators. 

BIO: Marcello Dalmonte is staff scientist at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. Previously, he graduated at the University of Bologna under the supervision of Elisa Ercolessi, and was a post-doctoral fellow in Innsbruck in the group of Peter Zoller.

His main scientific interests span topics from condensed matter and high energy physics to quantum optics and quantum information, and include: (1) understanding the role of quantum resources - e.g., entanglement and magic - in strongly correlated systems; (2) develop methods and protocols for attacking particle physics problems, in particular gauge theories, utilizing quantum computers and quantum simulators; (3) unravel classical and quantum many-body phenomena from a network- and data-science viewpoint; and (4) explore new horizon of synthetic quantum matter in relation to topological matter and gauge theories. 
He is Editor at SciPost, and has been supported by several European programmes, including the quantum Flagship and ERC Starting and Consolidator frameworks. 

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • QSE Center/Institute of Physics


QSE Quantum Seminar
