ROHRWERK - pavillon sonore


Event details

Date 21.09.2021 23.09.2021
Hour 12:1521:00
Speaker Compositeurs: Beat Gysin (idée et concept), Nicolas Buzzi, Emilio Guim, Marianthi Papalexandri, German Toro-Perez et Denis Schuler Architectes: Bureau Made In (François Charbonnet et Patrick Heiz) Scénographe: Peter Affentranger Musiciens: Miao Zhao, Jens Bracher, Stephen Menotti, Anne Brise, Jeanne Larrouturou - Studio-klangraum
Category Cultural events

Rohrwerk is an open sound space, a 45m high pavilion designed as a musical instrument, imagined and realized by 6 composers, 2 architects, 5 musicians and a scenographer. Already installed in September 2019 at the Kunstmuseum Basel, it will be set up in the large patio of the Rolex Learning Center from 21 to 23 September and will host concerts, lectures and workshops over three days.

Program of public events:

21 September 2021:

  • 12:15 Lunch Time Concert : music and demonstrations
  • 17:00 IMPROHR: Performance presented by students of the IMPROGINEERING course (30')
  • 18:30 Concerts:
    18:30 Framing
    19:00 Hangman’s Choral et Rohre ephemer
    20:00 Untitled VII
22 September 2021:
  • 12:15 Lunch Time Concert : music and demonstrations
  • 18:30 Concerts :
  • 18:30 Umlaute
    19:00 Hangman’s Choral et Rohre ephemer
    20:00 Untitled VII
23 September 2021:
  • 12:15 Lunch Time Concert : music and demonstrations
  • 15:00 Roundtable
    Architecture & Music : discussion with Beat Gysin (composer), Patrick Heiz (architect Made In), Cyril Veillon (Archizoom director) and Bernard Günther, director of the festival ZeitRäume, Basel. Moderation : Constance Frei (musicologist) => room EPFL SV 1717
  • 18:00 Umlaute, sound istallation
  • 18:30 Concerts :
    18:30 Framing
    19:00 Lot et Rohre ephemer
    20:00 Untitled VII
Free admission


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Collège des Humanités - culture


  • Virginie Martin


architecture sonore concert musique ateliers exprérience musicale
