Book selection: Gender and diversity issues in architecture


Event details

Date 05.05.2021 31.05.2021
Hour 07:0023:59
Bibliothèque de l'EPFL
Category Exhibitions
The EPFL Library offers you a document selection related to the topics discussed during the Book Clubs 01 to 05 organized online by the DRAG lab since March 2021.

"The DRAG lab Books Clubs are level and open to all discussions. They aim to provide a framework for common reflection and sharing of questions related to architecture, its practice and teaching. The Book Club events are structured around one or more readings that are shared in advance. The documents allow the exploration of an issue suggested by the moderators." Upcoming events: 

Consult or borrow the books shown in the Espace Découverte (next to the Pick-up a Book desk) of the Library at the Rolex Learning Center. This document selection was established with the collaboration of Gianna Ledermann and Yamina Sam from the DRAG lab. The links below indicate the availability of the different editions in the new swisscovery network (which gathers 475 Swiss scientific libraries), or online.


ABALOS, Iñaki, 2017. Heidegger in his refuge: the existentialist house. In: The good life : a guided visit to the houses of modernity. New updated ed. Zürich: Park Books. pp. 49-73. swisscovery

BONNEVIER, Katarina, 2007. Lecture Three : Cross-cladding. In : Behind straight curtains : towards a queer feminist theory of architecture [en ligne]. Stockholm : KTH. [Consulté le 26 avril 2021]. Disponible à l’adresse : KTH Publication Database DiVA

CHOLLET, Mona, 2016. Chez soi: une odyssée de l’espace domestique. Paris: La Découverte. swisscovery

COLOMINA, Beatriz, 2007. Domesticity at war. Cambridge, Mass: MIT. swisscovery

CONNELL, R. W. et MESSERSCHMIDT, James W., 2005. Hegemonic masculinity: rethinking the concept [en ligne]. Gender and Society. 2005. Vol. 19, n° 6, pp. 829‑859. swisscovery

D’IGNAZIO, Catherine et KLEIN, Lauren F., 2020. Data feminism [en ligne]. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. swisscovery

ENGAGEMENT [site web]. Disponible à l’adresse : ENGAGEMENT is an artist-lead movement tackling sexual harassment, sexism and power abuse in the Belgian arts field.

FEDERICI, Silvia, 2014. Caliban and the witch. 2nd rev. ed. Brooklyn, New York: Autonomedia. swisscovery

FEDERICI, Silvia, 2019a. Caliban et la sorcière: femmes, corps et accumulation primitive. 2e éd. Genève: Entremonde. swisscovery

FEDERICI, Silvia, 2019b. Re-enchanting the world: feminism and the politics of the commons. Oakland: PM. Kairos. swisscovery

GARCIA, Cruz et FRANKOWSKI, Nathalie, 2020. Anti-Racist Education Manual [en ligne]. WAI Architecture Think Tank. [Consulté le 30 avril 2021]. Disponible à l’adresse:

HAYDEN, Dolores, 1981. The grand domestic revolution: a history of feminist designs for American homes, neighborhoods, and cities. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press. swisscovery

ILLICH, Ivan, 2005. Oeuvres completes, volume 2. Paris: Fayard. swisscovery

INGOLD, Tim, 2019. Faire: anthropologie, archéologie, art et architecture. Bellevaux: Éditions Dehors. swisscovery

LYOTARD, Jean-François, 2000. Domus et la mégapole. In: Misère de la philosophie. Paris: Galilée, pp. 203‑215. swisscovery

LAMBERT, Léopold, 2019. Making abolition geographiy in California’s central valley: interview with Ruth Wilson Gilmore. The Funambulist: politics of space and bodies. N° 21. swisscovery

MERCHANT, Carolyn, 1990. The death of nature: women, ecology and the scientific revolution. New York: Bravo. swisscovery

NAVES, Marie-Cécile, [2021]. La politique, d’homme à homme [en ligne]. Les couilles sur la table/ Victoire Tuaillon. Disponible à l’adresse :

NAVES, Marie-Cécile, 2020. La démocratie féministe: réinventer le pouvoir. Paris: Calmann-Lévy. swisscovery

PARAVICINI, Ursula, 1990. Habitat au féminin. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. swisscovery

PRECIADO, Beatriz, 2014a. Cartographies queer: le flâneur pervers, la lesbienne topophobique et la travailleuse sexuelle multicartographique, ou comment faire une cartographie « ren@rde" avec Annie Sprinkle. In : Géoesthétique. Paris :Éditions B42. pp. 99‑110. swisscovery

PRECIADO, Beatriz, 2014b. Manifesto for an Indoor Man: The Awakening of the Playboy’s Domestic Consciousness. In: Pornotopia : an essay on Playboy’s architecture and biopolitics. New York: Zone Books. pp. 29‑36.: swisscovery

PRECIADO, Beatriz, 2014c. Pornotopia: an essay on Playboy’s architecture and biopolitics. New York: Zone Books. swisscovery

PRECIADO, Paul B., 2000. Manifeste contra-sexuel. Paris: Balland. swisscovery

PRECIADO, Paul B., 2018. Countersexual Manifesto [en ligne]. New York: Columbia University Press. swisscovery

RICORDEAU, Gwénola, 2019. Pour elles toutes: femmes contre la prison. Montréal: Lux Editeur. swisscovery

SANDERS, Joel, 2002. Curtain Wars. Harvard Design Magazine, N° 16, pp. 14‑20.

SANDERS, Joel, 2015. Curtain wars: architects, decorators, and the twentieth-century domestic interior. JSA - Joel Sanders Architect [en ligne]. 10 juin 2015. [Consulté le 26 avril 2021]. Disponible à l’adresse: Adapted from Harvard Design Magazine 16 (2002).

SCOTT, James C., 2019. Homo domesticus: une histoire profonde des premiers Etats. Paris: La Découverte. swisscovery

SEMPER, Gottfried, 1989. The four elements of architecture and other writings. Cambridge: University Press. swisscovery

Spectra Studio, After Hours and The Funambulist (ed.) 2020. Violence by design: resisting carceral logic for architects and designers [en ligne]. Paris: Spectra Studio. Disponible à l’adresse:

TEIGE, Karel, 2002. The minimum dwelling: the housing crisis, housing reform, the dwelling for the subsistence minimum, single family, rental and collective houses, regulatory plans for residential quarters, new forms of houses and apartments, the popular housing movement = L’habitation minimum = Die Kleinstwohnung. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. swisscovery

WORTHY, Kenneth, ALLISON, Elizabeth et BAUMAN, Whitney A. (éd.), 2019. After the death of nature: Carolyn Merchant and the future of human-nature relations [en ligne]. New York: Routledge. swisscovery

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