Document selection "Feminism and Architecture"


Event details

Date 08.03.2022 22.05.2022
Hour 07:0023:59
Category Miscellaneous
Event Language French, English
Document selection related to the exhibition Do Not Carry Your Flag Too Low - Actions from Matrix Feminist Design Co-operative presented until May 20, 2022 at Archizoom.

The EPFL Library presents a book selection for further reflections on the themes developed in the exhibition Do Not Carry Your Flag Too Low - Actions from Matrix Feminist Design Co-operative. Curated by Tiago P. Borges, Teresa Cheung, Silvia Groaz and the collectives la-clique and Trojans, this exhibition about the inclusiveness of our buildings and common spaces shows the archive of the radical 1980s feminist architecture practice Matrix. This work explored issues about community and the built environment, and traced the implications of feminist theory and critique on architecture and urban design.
Based on the bibliography compiled by the curators, we have selected publications from the 1960s - 1980s cited by members of the Matrix cooperative, as well as more recent publications about current issues on feminism and architecture.
Consult or borrow the documents presented in the Arts and Architecture area of the Library or browse the online selection.


Find out in the BEAST catalog the exhibition bibliography titles available in (the library network) swisscovery:

[EPFL] --> available for loan at the EPFL Library
[swisscovery] --> available for loan in swisscovery
[@EPFL] --> available online at EPFL (VPN access for EPFL community)
[@OA] --> available online in Open Access


BOYS, Jos, 1984. Is there a Feminist Analysis of Architecture? Built Environment, 1984, vol. 10, no 1, p. 25‑34 [@EPFL]

BOYS, Jos, 2011. Towards creative learning spaces: re-thinking the architecture of post-compulsory education. London: Routledge [@EPFL]

DWYER, Julia, THORNE, Anne 2007. Evaluating Matrix : notes from inside the collective. In: Altering practices: feminist politics and poetics of space. London: Routledge. p. 39‑57 [@EPFL]

MATRIX, 1985. Making space: women and the man-made environment. London: Pluto Press [swisscovery] [New edition Verso 2022 EPFL / @EPFL]


ARDENER, Shirley, 1978. Defining females: the nature of women in society. London: Croom Helm [swisscovery] [ebook Routledge 2020, @EPFL]

BARLEY, Maurice Willmore, 1971. The house and home: a review of 900 years of house planning and furnishing in Britain. Greenwich: New York Graphic Society [swisscovery]

BELLMAN, Harold, 1927. The building society movement. London: Methuen [swisscovery]

BOOTH, Chris, DARKE, Jane et YEANDLE, Susan, 1996. Changing places: women’s lives in the city [en ligne]. London: Chapman [swisscovery]

BURNETT, John, 1978. A social history of housing: 1815-1970. Newton Abbot: David & Charles [EPFL]

COCKBURN, Cynthia, 1991. Brothers: male dominance and technological change. New ed. London: Pluto Press [swisscovery]

DAVIDOFF, Leonore, 1979. The separation of home and work? In: Fit Work for Women. Croom Helm [swisscovery]

DAVIDOFF, Leonore, HALL, Catherine, 1987. Family fortunes: men and women of the English middle class, 1780-1850. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press [swisscovery]
[Traduction française : « Family fortunes »: hommes et femmes de la bourgeoisie anglaise, 1780-1850. Paris: La Dispute [EPFL]

EVANS, Mary, UNGERSON, Clare, 1983. Sexual divisions: patterns and processes. London: Tavistock [swisscovery]

FRIEDAN, Betty, 1963. The feminine mystique. New York: Penguin [swisscovery]

HAYDEN, Dolores, 1976. Collectivising the domestic workplace. Lotus international, 1976, no 12, p. 72‑89 [EPFL]

HAYDEN, Dolores, 1976. Seven American utopias: the architecture of communitarian socialism, 1790-1975. Cambridge: MIT Press [EPFL]

HAYDEN, Dolores, 1981. The grand domestic revolution: a history of feminist designs for American homes, neighborhoods, and cities. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press [EPFL]

HAYDEN, Dolores, 1986. Redesigning the American dream: the future of housing, work, and family life. New York: Norton. Revised and expanded edition 2002 [EPFL]

KERR, Robert, 1864. The Gentleman’s house: or, How to plan English residences, from the parsonage to the palace. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, new edition, 2015. [@EPFL]

McDOWELL, Linda, 1997. Capital culture: gender at work in the city. Oxford: Blackwell [swisscovery]

McDOWELL, Linda, 2007. Gender, identity and place: understanding feminist geographies. Cambridge: Polity Press [swisscovery]

McDOWELL, Linda, PRINGLE, Rosemary (eds), 1992. Defining women: social institutions and gender divisions. Cambridge: Polity Press [swisscovery]

McDOWELL, Linda, SHARP, Joanne P., 1997. Space, gender, knowledge: feminist readings. London: Arnold [swisscovery] [ebook Routledge 2016 @EPFL]

MIES, Maria, 2014. Patriarchy and accumulation on a world scale: women in the international division of labour. 3rd edition. London: Zed Books [swisscovery]

OAKLEY, Ann, 1985. Sex, gender and society. Aldershot: Gower [swisscovery] [London: Routledge 2016 [@EPFL]

PEARSON, Lynn F., 1985. Ideal homes: Women and cooperative housing in Victorian times. Spare Rib, September 1983, no 134. Reprinted in Ekistics, 1985, vol. 52, no 310, p. 62‑64 [@EPFL]

Public Design Group, 1978. Community architecture : a public design service? Report of the Public Design Group of the New Architecture Movement to the  Minister of Housing and Construction . London: New Architecture Movement. [@OA]

ROWBOTHAM, Sheila, 1975. Woman’s consciousness, man’s world . Harmondsworth: Penguin Books [swisscovery] [New edition Verso 2015 @EPFL]

SWENARTON, Mark, 1981. Homes fit for heroes: the politics and architecture of early state housing in Britain. London: Heinemann [swisscovery] [ebook Routledge 2018 EPFL]

TURNER, John F. C., FICHTER, Robert (eds), 1972. Freedom to build: dweller control of the housing process . New York: Macmillan [EPFL]

WILSON, Elizabeth, 1980. Only halfway to paradise: women in Postwar Britain : 1945-1968. London: Tavistock Publications [swisscovery]

WRIGHT, Gwendolyn, 1980. Moralism and the model home: domestic architecture and cultural conflict in Chicago : 1873-1913. Chicago: University of Chicago Press [EPFL]

WRIGHT, Gwendolyn, 1981. Building the dream: a social history of housing in America. New York: Pantheon Books [EPFL]


ARDENER, Shirley, 1981. Women and space: ground rules and social maps. London: Croom Helm. [swisscovery] [ebook Routledge 2021, @EPFL]

BELL, David, VALENTINE, Gill (éd.), 1995. Mapping desire: geographies of sexualities. London: Routledge [swisscovery] [ebook @EPFL]

COLE, Doris, 1973. From tipi to skyscraper: a history of women in architecture. Boston: I Press [EPFL]

DAVIDOFF, Leonore, HALL, Catherine, 1983. The Architecture of Public and Private Life: English Middle Class Society in a Provincial Town, 1780–1850. In: Fraser D. and Sutcliffe A. (eds) The Pursuit of Urban History . London: E. Arnold. p. 327‑45 [EPFL]

DAVIDOFF, Leonore, L’ESPERANCE, Jean, NEWBY, Howard, 1977. Landscape with figures: home and community in English society. In: Mitchell J., Oakley A. (eds) The rights and wrongs of women. Harmondsworth: Penguin. [swisscovery] [in: Daniels S., Lee R. (eds.) Exploring human geography : a reader. Routledge, 2014 [@EPFL]

Heresies Collective, 1979. Women working together. Heresies #7, 1979, vol. 2, no 3, p. 1‑130 [@OA]

Heresies Collective, 1981. Making room : women and architecture. Heresies #11, 1981, vol. 3, no 3, p. 1‑98 [@OA]

HUGHES, Francesca, 1996. The architect: reconstructing her practice. Cambridge: MIT Press [swisscovery]

JENKINS, Frank, 1961. Architect and patron: a survey of professional relations and practice in England from the sixteenth century to the present day. London: Oxford University Press [EPFL]

KING, Anthony Douglas, 1980. Buildings and society: essays on the social development of the built environment. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul [@EPFL]

LEWIS, Jane, 1980. The politics of motherhood: child and maternal welfare in England, 1900-1939. London: Croom Helm [swisscovery]

MALOS, Ellen, 1980. The politics of housework. London: Allison & Busby [swisscovery]

MASSEY, Doreen B., 1994. Space, place, and gender. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press [EPFL]

MITCHELL, Juliet, OAKLEY, Ann (eds), 1976. The rights and wrongs of women. Harmondsworth: Penguin [swisscovery]

OAKLEY, Ann, 1974. Housewife. London: A. Lane [swisscovery]

OAKLEY, Ann, 1974. The sociology of housework. London: Robertson [swisscovery] [New edition Politcy Press 2018 [EPFL]

OAKLEY, Ann, 2005. Ann Oakley reader. Policy Press [EPFL]

PETRESCU, Doina, 2007,Altering practices: feminist politics and poetics of space. London: Routledge. [@EPFL]

RAPOPORT, Rhona, RAPOPORT,Robert N., 1971. Dual-career families . Harmondsworth: Penguin. [swisscovery]

RAVETZ, Alison, 1980. Remaking cities: contradictions of the recent urban environment. London, Routledge [swisscovery] [ebook Routledge 2018 @EPFL]

REISINGER, Karin, SCHALK, Meike, 2017. Becoming a Feminist Architect : [special issue]. Field : a free journal for architecture, 2017, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 1‑229 [@OA]

ROWBOTHAM, Sheila, 1974. Hidden from history: rediscovering women in history from the 17th century to the present. New York: Pantheon Books [EPFL] [3rd edition Pluto Press 1977 @EPFL]

SPRING RICE, Margery, 1981. Working-class wives: their health and conditions. London: Virago [Renouvaud]

TORRE, Susana, 1977 (ed.). Women in American architecture: a historic and contemporary perspective. New York: Whitney library of design [swisscovery]

WEKERLE, Gerda R., PETERSON, Rebecca, MORLEY, David (eds), 1980. New space for women. New York: Routledge. [ebook Routledge 2019 [@EPFL]

WILSON, Elizabeth, 1977. Women and the welfare state. London: Tavistock [swisscovery]

Women in architecture : special issue, 1975. Architectural Design, vol. 45, no 8. [EPFL]


ANSON, Brian, 1981. I’ll fight you for it!: behind the struggle for Covent Garden. London: Cape [swisscovery]

HINTON, James, 1988. Self-help and socialism: the squatters‘ movement of 1946. History Workshop Journal, March 1988, vol. 25, no 1, p. 100‑126 [@OA]

HUNT, Stephen E., 2014. The Revolutionary urbanism of street farm: eco-anarchism, architecture and alternative technology in the 1970s. Tangent Books [EPFL]

REEVE, Kesia, 2005.Squatting since 1945. In: Somerville P. and Sprigings N. (eds) Housing and Social Policy. New York: Routledge. p. 197‑217 [@OA]

RENDELL, Jane, 2012. Tendencies and Trajectories: Feminist Approaches. In: The SAGE handbook of architectural theory. Los Angeles: SAGE. p. 85‑97 [swisscovery]

VASUDEVAN, Alexander, 2017. The autonomous city: a history of urban squatting. London: Verso. [swisscovery]

WALL, Christine, 2017. Sisterhood and squatting in the 1970s: feminism, housing and urban change in Hackney. History Workshop Journal, April 2017, vol. 83, no 1, p. 79‑97 [@OA]

WALL, Christine, 2017. We don’t have leaders! We’re doing it ourselves!: Squatting, Feminism and Built Environment Activism in 1970s London. Field : a free journal for architecture, vol. 7, no 1, p. 129‑140. [@OA]

WATES, Nick, 1976. The battle for Tolmers Square. Abingdon: Routledge [swisscovery] [ebook Routledge 2012 @EPFL]

WATES, Nick and WOLMAR, Christian (eds), 1980. Squatting: the real story. London: Bay Leaf Books  [EPFL]

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