The challenges of AI, from technical to governance - Effective Altruism & LAIA


Event details

Date 08.05.2023
Hour 18:1020:10
Speaker Jonathan Claybrough
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

​Interested in Artificial Intelligence and its challenges for humanity? 

Join us for a talk with ​Jonathan Claybrough on Monday! 

In this comprehensive talk, ranging from introductory material all the way to the state of the art in AI safety, Jonathan will present current developments of AI, the immense opportunities to develop society and the risks of destroying it. He will justify why this is likely to be the most impactful human technology, paint the fine lines one might aim for in developing this safely, and finally show the current paths to impacting the world positively, through AI technical research and governance. 

Jonathan Claybrough is a Telecommunications and Networks engineer from ENSEEIHT, France. He first worked in Education technologies and Human Resource technologies. Seeing the future impact of AI in these fields, and society at large, he transitioned to use his technical skills to inform the understanding of AI in education and in regulation. He currently writes and reviews standards for the upcoming EU AI Act, the first ever law on AI by a major regulator. 

Admission to the talk is free and open to the public. 

An aperitif with snack and drinks will follow the talk. You will have the chance of interacting with Jonathan, meeting other like-minded people interested or involved in AI Safety, active members of Effective Altruism Lausanne.

Register here for the talk!

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



Altruism EA AI Safety Governance Future
