Ukrainian-Swiss Joint Research Projects: Call for Proposals 2023 - Joint Research Proposal (JPR)


Event details

Date 12.12.2023
Category Call for proposal
The purpose of the Call is to enable researchers in Ukraine, jointly with researchers in Switzerland, to undertake research activities in any scientific field. The Call is focused on researchers who are currently based in Ukraine, including young researchers.
Grants for JRPs aim to promote collaborative projects with clearly defined goals, involving at least one applicant in Switzerland and one in Ukraine. Applications should describe ambitious research and propose innovative approaches.
The Call is thematically open for basic research. Research proposals from any scientific field as well as interdisciplinary JRPs are welcome.

The maximum budget available for a JRP :
  • Two years : CHF 265,000.
    • Swiss : CHF 165,000
    • Ukraine : CHF 100,000 (two years)
  • Three years : CHF 400,000.
    • Swiss : CHF 250,000
    • Ukraine : CHF 150,000
  • Pre-registration : 2023.11.13
  • Full Proposal : 2023.12.12
  • Switzerland
    • At least one main applicant based in Switzerland (eligibility criteria of SNSF)
  • Ukraine
    • At least one main applicant based in Ukraine
    • Institutions of higher education and research institutions of state ownership
  • Research teams are composed of four project authors (PI and implementers).
    • The research team (project authors) consists of researchers affiliated with the institutions of higher education or research institution applying for the Call.
    • The researchers:
      • have a full-time employment contract (the main place of employment with at least 75% workload for the respective position) with institutions of higher education or research institutions;
      • are PhD or doctoral students being educated full-time or according to a dual scheme.
One person can only participate in one application submitted to this Call.

How to Apply:
  • Proposals are to be jointly prepared by Swiss and Ukrainian applicants. The Swiss main applicant must submit the proposal to the SNSF via its electronic submission system mySNF (
  • The Ukrainian main applicant must submit the application (in Ukrainian and English) to the NRFU via the “NRFU Project Call” automated system (
  • Proposals submitted only to one of the two funding agencies are ineligible.
For further information:  
In Switzerland:
Swiss National Science Foundation
Arthur Friedli International Cooperation
Wildhainweg 3, P.O. Box CH-3001 Berne
Phone: +41 31 308 22 31
E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Link to call :

In Ukraine:
National Research Foundation of Ukraine
Ukraine, Kyiv, 01001 Borysa Hrinchenka Street, 1
Phone: +38 093 240 04 34
E-mail: [email protected] or X.
Contact Information in the Terms and Conditions of the NRFU.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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