Workshop on Copyright & Second Publication Right


Event details

Date 13.06.2023
Hour 14:0017:00
Speaker CCdigitallaw (Competence Center in Digital Law)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Within the project Regulatory Framework financed by swissuniversities, CCdigitallaw (Competence Center in Digital Law) is proposing a workshop on the topic of Copyright & Second Publication Right.

The workshop is addressed to all researchers in Switzerland who are curious to learn more about the possibilities of the second publications (the green road of Open Access).

The workshop will cover the following topics:

  • When is a work protected by copyright and for how long?
  • Who is the author and who the right holder?
  • What are Creative Commons Licenses?
  • What is the role of the 5 Swiss Collecting Societies?
  • Open Access and Second Publication Right: what is currently possible and in what directions are current discussions going?
This workshop is hold in English, free of charge and followed by an aperitif!


This workshop is organized on EPFL campus with the support of EPFL Library. Find more information about the other workshops organized by CCdigitallaw in Switzerland.


Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required




copyright publication green open access
