
Privacy in the Digital Age: EPFL and RTS to host radio series for the public

Start date: 02.11.2019 17:00 18:00

Speaker: Jessica Pidoux - Assistante doctorante à l’Institut des Humanités Digitales de l’EPFL Daniel Gatica-Perez - ... Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


[ Wings for Life | Research funding related to spinal cord injury ]

Start date: 02.11.2019

Category: Call for proposal
Target audience: General public


Les sciences à l'EPFL - Classes de 10S et 11S

Start date: 03.11.2019 End date: 16.12.2019

Speaker: Raphael Holzer Location: EPFL Category: Sciences Activities for Youth
Target audience: General public


Alhussein Fawzi, PhD: Proving inequalities with deep learning

Start date: 04.11.2019 16:00 17:00

Speaker: Alhussein FAWZI is a research scientist at Google DeepMind in London, working on making machine ... Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: Informed public


IC Colloquium: Fundamental Structures in Temporal Communication Networks

Start date: 04.11.2019 16:15 17:30

Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


IC Talk: How hard is it to learn from data generated by a probabilistic model?

Start date: 05.11.2019 11:15 12:30

Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


Research data management: introduction

Start date: 05.11.2019 12:00 13:30

Speaker: EPFL Library research data team Location: Category: Internal trainings
Target audience: General public


Atelier "Méthodes d'apprentissage" - S'entraîner à réussir avec des séries

Start date: 05.11.2019 12:10 13:00

Speaker: SAE et CAPE Location: Category: Internal trainings
Target audience: General public


[ ERA-NET BiodivERsA | Research funding on Biodiversity and Climate Change ]

Start date: 05.11.2019

Category: Call for proposal
Target audience: General public


13th ServiceNow User Group meeting Suisse romande

Start date: 06.11.2019 09:30 17:30

Speaker: Yves Eickelberg, Kevin Mettenberger, Jean-François Muller, Benoît Lorendeaux, Rachid Harrando Location: MED 0 1418 Category: Internal trainings
Target audience: Informed public