Seizure detection challenge
Start date: 01.12.2024 › End date: 16.02.2025
Location: Online Category: Miscellaneous Target audience: Expert
Document selection: Sci-Fi movies
Start date: 09.01.2025 › End date: 19.02.2025 07:00 › 23:45
Location: Espace Découverte Category: Exhibitions Target audience: General public
Fungi, un monde sans fin
Start date: 28.11.2024 › End date: 23.02.2025
Speaker: Mario Del Curto, photographe Location: Hall du Rolex Learning Center Category: Exhibitions Target audience: General public
Shapes: Patterns in Art and Science
Start date: 17.01.2025 › End date: 09.03.2025 11:00 › 18:00
Speaker: Curation: Prof. Marc Troyanov (EPFL MATH), Prof. Hugo Parlier (, Unifr) et Prof. Michael Herbst … Location: EPFL Pavilions, Pavilion A Category: Exhibitions Target audience: General public
La Rampe, artistic installation by Delphine Reist
Start date: 09.10.2024 › End date: 01.06.2025 06:00 › 23:59
Speaker: Delphine Reist, artiste Location: Rolex Learning Center Category: Exhibitions Target audience: General public
How to Transduce Force Into Biochemical Commands - Mechanosensing by Adhesion GPCRs
Start date: 17.02.2025 10:00 › 11:00
Speaker: Prof. Tobias Langenhan, University of Leipzig (D) Location: AI 1153 , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public