Speaker: Prof. Amin CHABCHOUB Amin received a MSc in Applied Mathematics / Mechanical Engineering from the …Location:
CM 1 113
Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: General public
Speaker: Prof. Yon Visell, RE Touch Lab, College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of …Location: OnlineCategory: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: General public
Speaker: Adrià Budry Carbó, enquêteur matières premières et finance chez Public Eye (https://www.linkedin.com/in/adri%C3%A0-budry-carb%C3%B3-18504160/?originalSubdomain=ch, site de l'association: …Location: 263 NEF, bâtiment internef, UNILCategory: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: General public