
Identification and Mitigation of Degradation Mechanisms Induced by Heat and Light in NiOx-based Perovskite Solar Cells.

Start date: 31.01.2024 17:30

Speaker: Marion Solange Madeleine DUSSOUILLEZ Location: Category: Thesis defenses
Target audience: General public



Start date: 01.02.2024 12:00 13:00

Speaker: Free slot; Divyanshu Srivastava, Oricchio Lab; Halima Schede, D'Angelo Lab Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: Informed public


AI Center Seminar Series - Prof. Michael Bronstein

Start date: 01.02.2024 15:30 17:00

Speaker: Prof. Michael Bronstein Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


MEchanics GAthering –MEGA– Seminar: The fundamental physics of the onset of frictional motion – How do laboratory earthquakes nucleate?

Start date: 01.02.2024 16:15 17:15

Speaker: Jay Fineberg Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


Imaging Seminar: Unique X-ray microscopy capabilities at SLS2.0: dynamic tomographic imaging and beyond

Start date: 01.02.2024 17:00 18:00

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Marco Stampanoni, Paul Scherrer Institut Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


MechE Honorary Lecture: Water Turbines, Storage Pumps and Pump-Turbines Key Technology for Hydropower

Start date: 01.02.2024 17:15 18:00

Speaker: Prof François Avellan,Technology Platform for Hydraulic Machines,Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IGM), School of Engineering (STI), ... Location: , Online Category: Inaugural lectures - Honorary Lecture
Target audience: General public


Extended Deadline: SNIS | Research Funding

Start date: 01.02.2024

Category: Call for proposal
Target audience: General public


SNSF Postdoc.Mobility call ¦ Career funding

Start date: 01.02.2024

Category: Call for proposal
Target audience: General public


Call for applications - MAS ETHZ EPFL in Urban and Territorial Design 2024-2025 / HRC EPFL + LUS ETHZ

Start date: 01.02.2024 End date: 30.04.2024

Category: Call for proposal
Target audience: General public


Thermodynamic Modeling of Cellular Ion Transport

Start date: 02.02.2024 10:15 11:30

Speaker: Prof. Edda Klipp, Department of Biology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (DE) Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: Informed public