Memento Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering | ENAC


Oscillation and atomization process of a liquid film induced by gas flows

Start date: 24.11.2023 12:15 13:15

Speaker: Prof. Ippei Oshima Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: Informed public


Représenter l'invention : Étude de l'évolution du dessin d'objet technique en Angleterre (ca. 1750-1850)

Start date: 24.11.2023 14:00

Speaker: Yohann Michel Franck GUFFROY Location: Category: Thesis defenses
Target audience: General public


Building ventilation and outdoor air pollution: Implications for health, comfort and energy

Start date: 24.11.2023 17:00

Speaker: Evangelos BELIAS Location: EPFL Smart Living Lab, Room HBL 0 21 A, Passage du Cardinal 13b, 1700 Fribourg , Online Category: Thesis defenses
Target audience: General public


Climate crisis: nature-based resilience

Start date: 27.11.2023 12:00 13:15

Speaker: Prof. Edouard Davin Dr. Peter Bebi Location: Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


On Territory / ARCHIZOOM

Start date: 27.11.2023 18:30 19:00

Speaker: Georges Descombes et Rainer Michael Mason avec Arianne Widmer. Modération Paola Viganò Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


EESS talk on "Expanding the Watershed: Food and Water Security in a Tele-Connected World"

Start date: 28.11.2023 12:15 13:15

Speaker: Dr. Marc Mueller, Eawag -- Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


Klaas De Rycke / Atelier Weinand (IBOIS)

Start date: 28.11.2023 15:30 17:30

Speaker: Klaas De Rycke Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


MAS ETH EPFL UTD - Urban & Environmental Theory Session #5 / HRC

Start date: 28.11.2023 18:30 20:30

Speaker: NICOLAS DÉTRIE, KLAUS OVERMEYER Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


Parallel Strips: London Allotment Gardens, Self-help as Ideology and Solidarity as a Project. A lecture by Olivia Neves Marra. Neighbours Vol. 2.

Start date: 29.11.2023 12:30 14:00

Speaker: Olivia Neves Marra (UCL, Bartlett School of Architecture) Location: Salle Archizoom Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


Honorary Lecture - Prof. Eugen Brühwiler

Start date: 29.11.2023 18:00 19:00

Speaker: Prof. Eugen Brühwiler Location: Category: Inaugural lectures - Honorary Lecture
Target audience: Informed public